About Us


      Hi, welcome to Marvalluxe and thank you for visiting. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Marquis, the man behind the brand. I can’t take all the credit I have an amazing queen that  stands behind the brand , LaShay. We are both Southern California natives. We come from loving  parents, who molded us to be the well rounded adults we are today. Our journey began in 2007 in high school where we became good friends and fast forward to years later when we began to  date and later married in 2020. I must say this woman has helped me become a better  man and has given my life so much more meaning. I believe it’s safe to say I’ve helped her grow  over the  years, while adding love and purpose to her life. We both hustle and motivate each  other daily! As the old saying goes a couple who grinds together, shines together. 

   Marvalluxe was formed mid 2021. Times were crazy due to Covid as we all know. Covid taught and showed me a lot. One thing I knew for sure is I needed to be in control of my own destiny. No more failed business ventures. Yes, I had a few failed business attempts, due to lack of focus!  As I sat around the house with nothing but time on my hands brainstorming on business ideas, and burning a candle. The light bulb shined its brightest. Make candles! I love burning candles anytime of the day and night, and so does my wife. She had just bought over $100 worth of  candles, and it just started making sense. I knew immediately I didn’t want to just make any ole candles I wanted to make luxury candles! 

   My family would say I always enjoyed the finer things in life. So it was a no brainier when it came to creating a luxury aroma brand, that I hope everyone will enjoy for years to come! Which brings me to Marvalluxe owned by a black man along side his beautiful black wife, building a brand suitable for all men and women who have an eye for luxury. Our signature scents and elegant vessels, will set us apart. All products are hand poured and eco friendly. Each candle comes with a wave style wooden wick. They look great and smell even better. All of our signature scents has a special meaning to us, find out what they can mean to you. You’ve tried the rest, now burn luxury with Marvalluxe!


                                                   Take care, till next time!